Here is my latest Rap. Lyrics very much align with your piece. Still recording in the studio but few will ever listen because of the need to look away.

-Good Germans by Thumbnail Green.

He who will not learn from history is fucken doomed to repeat it now I’m bleedin’

I can feel it

Verse 1

(sung)Wait wait I got a 4 inch deep cut to my hurts

‘Good Germans’ murderous but worse

I withstood burdens turning’ us perverse

Good Germans zombie converts

(rapped)Lonely in my head like a hermit up top

Servin’ terse words like a barfly doin’ shots

Heart’s a crimes scene (myocarditis)

Charts that I’ve seen

Not good - maybe why I’ve been a

Pissed dissident - Tiananmen Square

Government give me a thousand mile stare - Yeah

Population is the tank, tanking birth rate

Hate to say Jikki-leak n Yeadon told you to wait

Bait n switch DoD Mafia

sneaky Deagle Eagle Comin’ after ya

Miss Watt and Latypova

bringin’ receipts Not gunna roll over

Not playin’ dead, Not backin’ down, I won’t shut up

Not leaving’ town

Dude aint no fuckin’ cooker just because I snort data like a hooker


Good Germans

It’s a new day

Good Germans

Givin’ history away

Good Germans

Livin the dream

Good Germans

On the same team

(total machine)

Verse 2

No apologies coz amnesty hurts

‘Good Germans’ murderous but worse

Their nervousness- brain bursts

Nuremberg now last was first

Menticide gettin’ done with the ritual

Tribal bonds still so habitual

More throb than sex and food and drugs

Your mob will hex you, moved to thugs

Rest up wheezy Jimmy want you dead

Dare leave the group you’ve lost your head

That’s where I’m rocking’ it-

so outside

though now hide

In plain sight I’d -

Tried to abide but why? My side

still right, denied!

I cried inside the lies

Good Germans don’t ask

Good Germans zig heil with a mask

Chorus x 2

Good Germans

It’s a new day

Good Germans

Givin’ history away

Good Germans

Livin the dream

Good Germans

On the same team

(total machine)

Verse 3

Wait - I got a 4 inch deep cut to my hurts

Broken heart’s never been worse

Cold dwelling’ in hell now me n my mates don’t gel with the circle of fifths- oh well.

'Have a drink Thumbnail - your so uptight

Why you talkin’ politics this late at night?'

Good Germans know life goes on

for winners it’s history the others are gone

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I was very surprised that the people ignored the Holocaust at home when people were being killed by ridiculously wrong hospital protocols and later on the clot shots.

Even today, many will not admit the Russian roulette they played by getting the shots, yet they are not getting the boosters.

It's almost like their conscious mind cannot accept the fact, but their subconscious keeps them away from getting the shots anymore.

"And then there is the psychological effect of the Big Lie which is axiomatic in gaslighting. The paradox here is that the bigger the lie, the harder it is for the mind to bridge the gulf between perceived reality and the lie that authority figures are painting as truth. I believe that the prospect of being deceived evinces a primitive emotional response on a par with staring death in the face. We are hard-wired to fear deception because we have evolved to interpret it as an existential threat. That’s why deception can elicit the same emotional response as the miscalculation of a serious physical threat. Lies told to us don’t always bear the same cost as a misjudged red light, but the primitive part of the brain can’t make this distinction and we rely on cerebral mediation for a more appropriate but delayed response. And in the long run, the lie is often just as dangerous as the physical threat. Many government whoppers – ‘safe and effective’ – do cost lives.

To avoid the death-like experience of being deceived, a mental defence is erected to deny that the lie is happening."

(From https://leftlockdownsceptics.com/alleged-cia-involvement-in-jfk-assassination-goes-mainstream-so-now-what/ )

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You're quite right, an understanding of the psychology of denialism is fundamental to an understanding of people we don't understand. One thing that's clear is that in an increasingly medicalised world people have lost connection with the wisdom of their bodies. If people had listened to their bodies, they wouldn't have taken the vaccine.

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Rob c(137) you are spot on I aired my views at the time how evil and ridiculous it was telling people to stay home unless they’d turned blue and were near death.

I say this as someone who has had pneumonia who ended up needing hospital treatment many years ago. During the scamdemic it was blatantly obvious everything they implemented was to cause as much damage and death as possible and I told people the government wanted them dead.

If they didn’t gp’s, hospitals and early treatments would not have been put out of bounds.

I have pointed out so many times when the usual chant of not overwhelming the nhs is rolled out, the nhs is overwhelmed every winter some more than others admittedly, however when I go back to reminding people how we had people on trolleys in corridors in the 80’s with double the amount of beds we have now.

To be perfectly honest it’s usually like having a conversation with Vicky Pollard (little Britain) with blank stare and the yes but no but yes but we mustn’t overwhelm the nhs because they’ve been programmed not to question and go against the narrative.

As for the junk jabs I had more than one argument with my husband and mother over zero benefit versus the harm they would and did cause. I found even when you presented them with hardcore proof they are unable or willing to sit learn or accept the truth that’s in front of them, can I also add not a single family knew or had heard of the yellow card system until I informed and explained what it was.

When you try to explain their ultimate submission into cooperating with every aspect of government policies put us all in real danger, they helped facilitate us being exiled and treated as second class citizens as if we were less than human for choosing our right to bodily autonomy. Of course iI was faced with the no I’m not and it’s not my fault governments here and abroad are excluding and targeting the undarted, they got yes it bloody well is as you’re aiding and abetting by going along and not questioning a damned thing on how it’s ok to punish a section of society for being different by making a choice.

My own husband at one point accused me of being an antivaxxer and Covid denier, I told him I’d never been antivax but I’d now never have another one.

He even brought up how I’d had the yellow fever one which was notorious for side effects to which he got it was explained and details were readily available but I’d never take it again.

Even when I handed over the Pfizer documents my husband still denied side effects were happening as he didn’t know anyone vaxx damaged including himself so it couldn’t possibly be happening. I asked him how would people know without the information to look at to whether they had been damaged, they’d been given a card with a few common side effects to read with literally no other explanations or information.

My husband took three darts and would have taken more if I hadn’t given an ultimatum, he’s still in denial and until it’s reported on msm he’ll believe the safe and effective mantra as admitting and processing the truth is not option that the masses are capable or verbally willing to admit, it’s as if they switched half their brains off to cope with the reality of the consequences of what they did and allowed.

My mother was vax damaged after her third shot, I explained the risks well before she took them and she dismissed me. She never openly acknowledges she damaged but talks about it in a round about way with the you know plus I know scenario as if it’s some dirty little secret that they don’t or won’t say out loud.

Thankfully she refused anymore plus she’s never taken a flu shot which is another pointless jab.

I’ve found it’s like an elephant in the room that they’ve put a partition up around rather than look at it and confront the truth of what they did plus participated in. To them they did nothing wrong other than trying to save the world, they cannot accept that there was industrial scale manipulation worldwide as it means they have to question their whole world around them as they’ve always know it is a lie.

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Why is it considered anti vax if your personal choice is not to get shots?

It sounds fascist or religious in that if you're not following their beliefs, you're anti "them".

Sheesh, as if EVERYONE must follow this "Grace".

🦠 🤡 🌎 (Virus clown world)

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Anti vax is what the government and media programmed them to think and say, I however came back with I’m pro choice and fully informed consent. Considering how they rolled this out and have done it was anything but plus they bury the side effects and deaths like a cat shitting in the garden does, if there was nothing to see then they’d be no reason to bury it.

Just like cat shit it comes to the surface eventually as dead bodies have tendency to float to the top. As the deaths stack up even the dumbest of the dumb will catch on eventually what they all have in common.

They told the public that the unvaxxed would all be dead yet here we are, there’s a big difference between the health of the two groups which more than one of my coworkers has noticed and commented on. They know I didn’t take the dart as they did and see the implications as it’s 8 against 1 so the odds should be in their favour.

Most struggle to shift a cold which lasts for weeks, there’s been array of bad chest infections plus one has had shingles twice and suffers now with neurological problems.

One even told me they admired me standing my ground on refusing to take it and they said they’d been had.

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Only one of my good friends admitted that he has been sick more than before.

The rest say in a funny way that "COVID is over".

I guess some of them played Russian roulette many times and never got hurt and act like everyone else is crazy.

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Don’t you know, you are not allowed to say this!

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I did!

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see it I will! perhaps ya kin do an interview with Vera Sharav ?-- would be interestin' to see her take on the film as well bein' a survivor and brave "world-speaker-outter" against the jabs (and all such medi-cull interventions)...

meantimes, I'll add one more parallel--today among the "beautiful noble people" aka "Good Germans" in the anti-clot-shot / pro-"truth" movement, as they are now 100% invested in dehumanizing all us "chews" (droppin' us from this movement like used be-snotted handkies!) no matter how we'd fought right beside 'em... (very much like the civil rights marchers--an' yup, btw I too noticed that in Selma). Many of us who marched for and fought for freedoms during the plandemic- (in person, showin' up, speakin' out, not complyin', helpin' others....) are whut now? Chopped liver? yes.--Per the common and sometimes tacit current understanding today on the "stacks," it appears that nearly everyone non-jewish BUT also some jews too (it's called saving your skin, nu?) in the not-a-movement are either now singled out as :

a) controlled opposition (Kirsch, Weinstein, etc) or

b) untrustworthy SIMPLY due ta bein' a chew (unless they deny it an' have embraced another "more noble" faith...)--an' I mean EVEN the aforementioned Vera Sharav is now deemed a "liar" and a "stooge" (oy!) as is Naomi Wolf (b/c jewish), as is Jane Ruby (they think they are so clever to "out her" as a Rubenstein thereby making her...untrustworthy?!)... yes, an' all who are not staunchly flag-waving "anti-zionists" are now the enemy.... even if we are no fans of BBGun! Any concern for Chews in Israel (even if we express concerns for Gazans too) are dismissed cuz jews are "nevah" loyal Americans--always divided an' we are TOLD (even if this ain't our way of thinkin') that Israel to us comes first... (first ya label, they ya dismiss, they ya open up the nozzles on the zyklon b... sorry, gallows humor but I'm feelin' it now)


c) every other slur ya kin think of--bloodthirsty? (despite puppet-despots on both sides waging war in Israel under the cabal's puppet masters, there is no subtlety in describing ONLY the jews as the enemy of the innocent ancient peoples of Palestine-the-Ancient-Nation despite many of bein' horrified at the carnage (on both sides)-- yes I'm being ironic but this is REALLY what's being said...)--addin' that per the beautiful minds an' pure-hearted souls, "all chews" are "by nature" egomaniacal "goy-hating" / nepotismal "chosen" snot noses who actually are "dumb" / uneducated / hate white culture and have been the purposeful destroyers of ALL nations... right... I'm just'bout too gobsmacked to defend against all this...

NOW this seems like it's a lotta focused hate which would make it dissimilar from the blithe indifference of the jews on the other side of the wall--but it's actually handled the same way. These "truth fightin'" modery-day typewriter warriors / Good Germans will use such shorthand as to not focus on the "jewish qvestion" before movin' on ta loftier subjects. They'll share a meme of the jews in the tunnels with blood on their "fangs" (of course they must be eating children after doing unspeakable things to them because we're all, natch, synagogue of satan..)...and then after the meme, it's on to talkin' bout "stayin' hopeful" or poetry (I joke not). One cute meme shared succinctly before moving on was the image of a nuke blowin' up the entire middle east with the tag line "because we're The Chosen"... An' yup, then the beautiful people go on to talk about the graphene in the jew-jabs an' so on... totally socially acceptable... de rigeur mebbe?

I now think I'm'a feelin' what my grandparents did, tellin' me 'bout the "now jews or dogs allowed" signs an' how they all changed their names... I thought I wuz lucky ta have missed out on all that--now it's back--an' I've got two kids that'll have to face it for decades to come so it seems...

FUN TIMES. History is repeatin' itself and some of us are STILL on the other damned side of the wall. We don't git the shiny boots or the lovely tea in the "garten"... (Ooops, I fergot! That whole thing was imagined--there warn't any "camps" at all--another "holi-hoax" they're sayin'--yes, intelligent college educated folks are sayin' this--while I remember being very quiet and even chilled as a child seeing the blue numbers on the arms and knowing... it was not a hoax...)

ps I've nothin' against Germans (I lived in Berlin back in the day an' enjoyed it muchly) so I mean "Good Germans" in the old sense--those that followed their fuherers' words an' instructions like good loyal puppies... today they "foller" other leaders an' still yap on cue

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excellent and important piece, Andrew. Will share!

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Thanks, Lena. Have you seen that Uwe Alschner has done a German translation? https://alschner-klartext.de/2024/03/13/worum-gehts-im-film-the-zone-of-interest/

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no i hadn’t. thanks for sharing

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Oh well. Ashkenazi are the global terrorists and you’ll find Rothschild DNA in Hitler and the word NAZI in Ashkenazi.

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And John Hamer claimed in his book 'Falsification of History' (p. 311) that 'NAZI' was an acronym referring to the combination of the National Socialist Party (NA) and Zionist International (ZI)!

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Ashkanas is spelled with „S“ in the end!! And now go and stuff Dunkin Donats in You (and enjoy with any of it a bagel with „EL“.)

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Shpirituwahl warphare in high phrequency nobody can shtop it. Lies and grammar goes down early. ❤️

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